Thursday, March 30, 2006

Like a deer in the headlights...


Coming out of the parking garage last wednesday, and the whole herd of local deer was fouraging outside.
So I parked the car, grabbed the camera and started shooting. Only to find out that I still had it on time exposure for night shots: 30s.
Luckily, the deer were still there, so I was able to get two more shots. Then I sat down on my knees to take a better picture, and that frightened them away...



Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhhhh :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Bart,
Notice the frightened look in their eyes... Got anything to hide? Did you really shoot nothing but pictures or.... did your steak tasted really yummie that night!
If your knees make the same 'knack' as your Dad's no wonder the animals ran off.