Monday, June 19, 2006

A trip to the terminal

W_02431Most terminals that Diddlbiker is visiting these days are airport terminals, but sometimes I get lucky. Last week Diddlbiker's department had its bi-annual meeting.
This year, the meeting took place at a container terminal, and included a tour as well! Now here is a place where I'd love to walk around for the entire day, taking pictures at will. Unfortunately, that will not happen for several reasons:
  • Liability: chances that Diddlbiker gets run over by a truck and that the terminal has to pay a huge amount of money to Diddlinabiker and kid is fairly large
  • Security: the usual vague reasons that are always given - anything that is worth photographing seems to be a potential terrorist target nowadays (remember, taking pictures of the GWB will get you arrested!)
  • Competition - competitors of terminal X would love to know how many cranes there are on terminal Y, etc (after all, it's not like you can see those cranes from 5 miles distance...)
So, locked up in a van that rarely stopped, and of course sitting at the left (wrong) side of the van, I still managed to shoot some nice pictures. Worth a visit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's a GWB?