Monday, March 27, 2006

DMV does it again

in motion 1My lovely wife went through the fun event of getting the car inspected. That means visiting the local DMV, the one organization that manages to get even the biggest guys on their knees and weep.
There was something 'minor' wrong with the car - apparently, the emergency brake wasn't strong enough, something we can fix ourselves. But that wasn't the only reason that the car didn't pass inspection. My wifes name is hyphenated on her drivers license, but not on her insurance card.
It's a good thing that the DMV is so on top of things like crossing i's and dotting t's. But it would be nicer if they start by fixing the knee deep potholes on route 80, and start ticketing those &^#$*! who switch lanes without using their blinker, or who move their car to the middle of the road before making a right turn.

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