Monday, June 05, 2006

There are no dumb questions...

W_02037But some of them... Diddlbiker was doing his regular workout during lunch: 30 minutes on the stationary bike ('Cascades', 30 min, level 15). The program involves two cascades of increasing and decreasing resistance. I like the program; most of the time you spend spinning with low resistance, but you also spend a couple of minutes at each of the two peaks at high resistance.
Anyway, as I was just past the second 'top', a coworker who is working out on the elliptical machine next to me asks me is it possible to get to a good workout on that bike? Well, let me see... My heartrate is racing at 172, sweat is literaly flowing down my face in rivers, and my shirt if soaking wet from top to bottom. But I stayed friendly, and instead of being sarcastic and answering 'no, it's like a walk in the park', I explained that it all depends on the resistance level and the pedal speed. The weird thing is, she took spinning classes in the past, so she should know better - maybe because it is a recumbent bike?

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