Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day 2006

Monday was Memorial Day. It is a very important day in the US, for various reasons:
  • First of all, all the troops that have fallen are remembered. As a super power, the USA has always been involved in wars everywhere, so there is a lot to remember. Unlike May 4th in Holland, which emphasizes mourning about anyone dying in any conflict anywhere, Memorial day is purely about USA soldiers.
  • Memorial day also marks the beginning of the summer. Granted, Baseball season is already on its way, but grilling outside is simply not done before Memorial day.
  • For that reason, Memorial simply cannot be celebrated in any other way than with the parade, followed by a meal of hamburgers and hotdogs.
The opening of the parade is done by the local police force, and the Grand Marshall of the parade:

Then, off course, there are the veterans. They come in all kinds of shapes and sizes and groups, the old ones, from WW2 and Korea, from Vietnam, but also veterans that recently returned from Iraq.
As Memorial day kicks off the summer, you can expect the weather to be hot, and not all veterans are able to walk the parade in uniform in weather like that, even in summer uniform.
So they'll be driven around in fancy vehicles as well.

Then there is the rest of the parade. No parade is complete without marching bands!
Then there is the local fire brigade, counting four engines in Elmwood Park. Engine #4 is the one closest to us, wedged between the railroad tracks and the local sports fields.
Poor Dakota really doesn't like all the sirens and horns from the ambulances and the fire trucks. So we always bring his ear mufflers to any parade that we take him to.
Then it is time for all the special interest groups: little league teams, soccer teams, boy scouts, girl scouts, more marching bands and the local Hot Rod association
And with the last Little League team disappearing in the distance, the parade is over...
But that doesn't mean that Memorial Day is over! Now it's time to visit the inlaws, play around the pool, and eat hamburgers and hotdogs from the grill!

Happy Memorial Day!

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