Wednesday, April 05, 2006

A change in the weather

Like they say in Dutch: 'April doet wat hij wil' - April does whatever it wants. Last Sunday we had great weather. I wasn't wearing a jacket, I was driving around with the car windows open and as the picture shows, everything looks like spring really has arrived: blossoming trees, deep blue sky, the whole nine yards.
That did really change today! The weather started with some crappy rain, and pretty low temperatures. But wait! There is more! As I'm staring out of the window at 11.00 this morning (no, work wasn't that boring, the contrary actually - I just needed to focus my mind for a second), I see snow flakes. Now, we're not talking about those sissy half-wet oversized raindrops that melt as soon as they touch the ground. No sir!

We're talking about real snowflakes here. The big ones. Pingpong ball size. Massive. With sticking power. I heard from people who worked in Jersey City that they couldn't see the city across the river (for those not in the know: 'the river' is the Hudson, and 'the city' is NYC), that's how heavy it was snowing. I shot the picture at lunch time, and two hours later everything was gone again. Surreal experience.

I'm just glad it didn't happen on Sunday while I was riding my bike. Now that would have been a story!

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